Friday, May 22, 2009


It's summer and I can't believe it!
Jackson is a graduate :)
It sucks that even though school is out, I still have to freaking work.

Good life!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's a good feeling

When you know someone is missing you back.
I miss Jacks a lot and he's at work.
I don't like him having a job, and I know that's selfish, but it's like at one point he was all mine. All he's attention was mine. And now he has a job to distract him. Wow. That is really selfish because I have a job and I can't be with him twenty four/seven but now that he can't be with me, it sucks!
I never found myself as a needy person, but oh my goodness, I really need him.
I'm so lame, and apparently I'm a horrible person! Well, I guess you can't really control how you feel but all you can do is let it be known.

I'm also discovering time is precious. This also has to do with the fact that I don't get to see a lot of my friends and family. Jackson is working a lot, which I don't like (which I obviously stated above), my mommy is working and I am too so there's no time for each other, Mirella and I are both too busy for each other, Court has been crazy busy with yearbook, etc. It really makes you appreciate the time you have with those you love. I wish that there were no jobs. Like you could do what you love and everything would be okay. Like why does money always have to be an issue? It's kind of ridiculous.

Lastly, my sister moved back in for the summer. I like my sister like a layout of mountains; very up and down. She's okay in small doses but when she recently realized that drinking is what "the thing to do" is, she's gone crazy with it. And then she got the back of her neck pierced? Like okay, that's not bad for most people but it's my sister, that's just not like her, or I guess that person that I thought she was. But with her moving back in is driving me absolutely insane. She is so messy it's disgusting. She leaves dirty towels around, doesn't put up her used dishes: but when she does she just throws them into the sink, and she uses all my stuff. I have a certain way of doing things and a certain order that they should be done in and she just freaking messes it all up! It's like she leaves me stuff around, or wastes it. She uses my shampoo, DVDs, make -up remover, etc. without asking! If you're going to use someone else's stuff, at least ask. That's that nice thing to do. But she's happy right now with a boy and I guess I'm happy for her, I just wish that she wouldn't do all the things that I hate because that makes it very hard for me to like her. Bummer.

Over all, good day. Finals today and tomorrow. No big at all. Summer school is next week or the week after that, pretty excited (or my mom would say "jazzed") about it :)

I hope all is well for whoever reads this :)

Happy 50th Post :)

Well, yesterday was Jackson and I's one year! How great is that?
We first went to lunch, my choice.
Than we watched a movie and had some us time.
Then we went swimming and he made me an amazing steak dinner. :)
I love Jackson a whole lot.

What is there to complain about?
Well, I have to retake my health class because I didn't fully understand the work I would have to put into this class, but it's okay because I don't mind retaking it. 

Guess what!
I love my life and I've been here, in this happiness, for a whole year.

I love Court too!
Best friends :)