Saturday, April 4, 2009


So my dogs look pretty much like the most adorable thing on this planet. They went to the groomer and the Yorkies look so soft and cute and Tobey looks like his head was the only thing not shaved off. So cute!
I was working until 12 last night but that's okay because I drove to Jackson's house and slept there :)
I coughed for most of the night bu slept really well 10 A.M.- 1 P.M.!

I feel like everything is really good right now. Jackson and I are great. And the people that I normally don't talk to or fight with I'm talking to again. Like how great is that? All the bridges I ever burned are being built back up again.

But I miss two people the most right now. Amber and Calen. I miss Amber all the time because she's busy right now. Which is understandable. And I love her so I miss talking to her,even if I know she can't. And Calen was in my dreams last night. I was talking to someone and I saw him and he ignored me and then word got back to him that I was upset and then he was trying to make it up to me, but I wouldn't let him? I ignored him just like he did to me. Which is dumb of me. But now I am totally thinking about him. I hope he comes back soon because I definitely wouldn't mind seeing him soon.

I also had a dream that I couldn't ever go home again. I had to live in this old Mexican restuarant. I was crying most of the dream because I couldn't see my mom anymore. I remember trying to call her in my dream but the line was disconnected. :( It made me actually really sad. So I was pretty much all over my mom today!

My sister is cunt. Just for your information. She totally ruined my day. She yelled at me for not going to lunch with her. She yelled at me for not wanting to go to JoAnn's with her. And then she came, and when I say came I mean crashed, a special dinner with my mom and Jackson. Which was annoying. Then when I was trying to hang out with my mom, I ended up being forced to go to JoAnn's after all! She's so dumb. I know she just wants to hang out and be cool, but she just tries too hard. Like her getting a piercing on the back of her neck? WHO DOES THAT?! I mean seriously. That's ugly and trashy. Whatever. I'm over it.

In the long run, I love my life! Go me!

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