Saturday, March 21, 2009


Well, I got home from Jackson's like two hours ago. I miss him, but he's at work.
I had amazing dreams last night. :D

Mirella, I love you a lot. I've had a total change in heart. I know that we've had a bunch of problems and we fight most of the time now, but I miss us. I know that we can be back the way we were it'll just take some work to earn both of our trust in each other again. I never once wanted to replace you with anyone. Courtney is my best friend, but I didn't replace you with her. Things happen. You and I grew apart and then I met Courtney but it seemed like those two events happened hand in hand. But it didn't. We can be best friends again. I promise. We'll make it happen :)

P.S. I love Jackson! 10 months, baby :)

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