Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm not happy right now.

I'm not quite sure why. I'm just like in a rut. I need something to change. Nothing extreme, of course, because that would be absolutely horrible. But something little. Something to look forward to instead of just the same little things everyday. The only thing that has changed is Jackson. He has a job and now I don't see him. He can't pick me up from school, which has like always been our thing. And pretty soon he won't be able to take me or pick me up from work. Fantastic. My mom told me today that I'm not allowed to get my license until report cards or something because I have to have good grades? But it's like WHAT THE HECK!? I kick butt in school right now. Like all I do is try to do well in school. I haven't missed a homework assignment in freaking forever. But whatever. I think it's dumb and illogical, but that's just me. I miss Amber. She always makes me feel better. No matter what. I wish I could see her.
I've been thinking about smoking a lot lately. Like more than usual. I'm dumb for being so judgemental about it, but I think I have a right. I don't like it at all. I can't believe I ever wanted to do it. I've grown up and the rest of the world should too.
Drug Free.
Now, goodnight.

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