Saturday, February 7, 2009


I had the weirdest dream last night. But it was still kind of great. 
It had my bestest friend in the whole world in it. 
I think I was in Las Vegas, which isn't where she lives, but still. I was walking around town looking for a hotel with her boyfriend Joey. They were in a fight so he asked me to help them get along and get back together. We finally found the hotel and Joey ran off somewhere and then Jackson came over to me and was yelling at me for hanging out with another boy. But I made him leave and tried to find a worker to find which room Amber was in. They told me room 206 on the third floor! So I literally ran up  and she was like working in this store that was in her room. And I like ran over to her and we were jumping around and hugging and stuff and then Joey came in with this purple shirt (purple is her favorite color), it was so super cute. But she was really mad at him to she just threw it on the floor. He left and she was upset but she asked me if I wanted to go out and I said sure. So I was getting dressed in some of her clothes and I saw this shirt that she is wearing in one of her myspace pictures, which was cute but I put on this brown dress and this cute brown belt. And she was trying to get dressed too but then I grabbed the purple shirt and I handed it to her and she started crying and then I run over, but then I WOKE UP!

I miss Amber. Really bad.

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