Thursday, February 12, 2009


I finally finished my outline and my World History story and it's a great feeling to have nothing to do right now. But tomorrow I have to freaking go to school early to print everything out so I guess I have something to worry about :/
But I'm giving Jackson his Valentine's Day present tomorrow and I'm getting my nails done, too.
But I'm so glad because I don't have to work so my day is all Jackson :)
I love him!
I just took a shower and I haven't taken a shower instead of a bath in like two weeks. I forgot how much I like showers :)
But I also forgot how hard it is so shave your legs in the shower!
I think Courtney is sleeping over on Sunday?
Hopefullyy :)

I love my life.
I love my fiance, even if I miss him terribly.
I love my best friends, even if I miss them both terribly.
Life is great :)

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