Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Such a good day,

for the most part. This morning kind of sucked though. Jackson and I got into a little fight because of something he said.
Like what the heck? I think that if you want someone to be dependent on you, don't yell at them when they finally. It doesn't take much for me to like someone but it takes months for me to trust someone. I just think it's not very fair to say that you can be dependent on you and then just take it back the second they do. It stinks.
The rest of the day was great :) School was fun, at least the people were. My first and third period are my least favorite classes of the day, but my second hour always cheers me up :)
LUNCH was so fun :) Courtney is so funny. This guy that sits next to me everyday always has this freaking HUGE dish of food. It's ridiculous. Today was fruit, vegetables, and like three cheeseburgers. INSANE. Then I blogged in fifth period, as you saw :) And then six and seven are great.
After school I went and bought two books, How to Love Like a Hot Chick, greatest book ever. And then I bought Six-Word Memoirs on Love and Heartbreak :D I love them both!
Work was work haha.
After work, I got to go to Lychee with the love of my life :D So great. He's the most amazing person I could ever ask for.
I'm glad I'm marrying him.


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