Wednesday, February 4, 2009


My freaking teeth hurt. "Oh, the pain will be gone in twenty four hours"- crazy receptionist lady. Bullshit. A week and two days later, my teeth skill hurt. And what kind of person calk someone during school hours? Like I'm obviously in school so why would you call? Like that just doesn't make sense to me. WHATEVER!

I finally am caught up in Health :D I'm on top of it, I just can't fall behind again! I think I understand too hahaha. Not bull shitting it too much! 
Math is super hard for me though. Actually, geometry is not a freaking math class. It's a devil course. But I actually love my biology class. Mr. Boyarsky can be a creep but I think he's so super nice, I think I'm a good student in his class so he's nice to me :)

There's this crazy sub in Photography(the class I'm in right now) and he is trying to watch me type this up. He stands behind you and makes comments and tries to watch. It's creepy :/ I don't like it. He scares me.

I want this book Sammi was talking about, Six Memoirs About Love and Heartbreak, she has quotes from it and it looks so cute :) Excited! I think I'll go buy it right after school. 

Love it :) I'm still typing? HAHAHA. Creep:)


1 comment:

  1. Hhaha
    I love Blogspot :DDDDDDD
    I think mine is a little too serious and not trivial and stupid and high school enough :S
    your blog is so pretty :D
