Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Chapter Is Ending.

"This is now.
We're gone and there's nothing left.
Do you remember when we were so happy?
Do you remember the laughs we had?
How come everything I felt seems so umimportant to you now?
Everything that was us is gone now that time has past.
I'm finding it hard to keep going everyday.
Every minute that passes me by seems longer than the last.
Maybe I was too stupid to see what mistakes I was making.
Maybe I was too blind to see the gap that was growing between us.
The tears that tend to fall down my face don't matter to you.
I'm told to move on and let go of this, but I have no where to start.
I have no where to go.
I can't begin again.
I have nothing to begin with.
I can't start over.
It'll never be the same, nothing is the same.
The only person I love is walking farther and farther away from me.
Without you and your love, I promise, I'll be miserable.
The hardest part to being without you will be taking every breath, just to stay here, without you.
No one will know that pain I'll be in.
No one will know the thoughts that will run through my head.
I can't start again, I have no where to begin.
This is now, we're all said and done."

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